Login Required

Log in to access the LISTSERV web interface

Login Required

East Tennessee State University Listserv

Email Address should be formatted: @etsu.edu or @mail.etsu.edu
     While the primary email address  @mail.etsu.edu is used with the majority of the time, some list owners may have inadvertently added the secondary email of  @etsu.edu. If that is the case, lists subscribed with the  @etsu.edu will not be seen in the web portal as a subscription when logged in with the  @mail.etsu.edu address.
     Use your ETSU password, and click on the Log In button. Your Password is the same password as used with your Email Account.

Please enter your email address and your LISTSERV password then click on the Log In button. If this is the first time you see this prompt, or if you have forgotten your password, you will need to get a new LISTSERV password first.

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